Download a list of all 30 SDKs used by Yatra for Business.
SDK | SDK Category | Provider |
Swift Keychain Wrapper | Data Encryption | Jason |
Firebase Performance | Performance Management | Google LLC |
Firebase ABTesting | A/B Testing | Google LLC |
RestKit | Network Connection | RestKit Team |
Google APIs for Objective-C for REST | Function Component | Google LLC |
Google Promises | Function Component | Google LLC |
Google Utilities | Function Component | Google LLC |
IQ Keyboard Manager | Function Component | Mohd Iftekhar Qurashi |
Google Places | Location Information | Google LLC |
Appvirality | Marketing Tools | AppVirality Inc. |
Full list contains 30 SDKs used by Yatra for Business, provided by 16 SDK providers, covering 15 SDK categories.
List updated on 22th December 2024
A breakdown of categories and providers of SDKs used by Yatra for Business app.
Full list contains 15 SDKs used by Yatra for Business, provided by 16 SDK providers, covering 15 SDK categories.
List updated on 22th December 2024
Yatra for Business, a free Travel app with 896 installations since first launched on 11th July 2016. Last updated on 21th December 2023.
Published by, a internet company based in India.
App | Installs | Publisher | Publisher Email | Publisher Social | Publisher Website |
3M | Shanghai Ctrip Commerce Co.,Ltd | - | - | | |
3M | 上海哈啰普惠科技有限公司 | - | - | | |
2M | 北京畅行信息技术有限公司 | ***** | | ||
1M | Beijing Qunar Information Technology Company Limit | ***** | - | | |
912K | 中铁程科技有限责任公司 | ***** | - | | |
560K | Hangzhou Taomei Aviation Service Co., Ltd. | ***** | | ||
543K | Haike (Pingtan) Information Technology Co., Ltd | - | | ||
501K | Shanghai Suanya Information Technology Co., Ltd. | ***** | - | | |
455K | 一嗨租车 | ***** | - | | |
332K | Tongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. | - | - | |
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